Monday, 11 October 2010

Examples of Rock magazines


This is my first example of a rock magainze i want to use.

This is the link for the website for Kerrang:

And this is the link for the picture that I got off the kerrang website:

This is my first example of a magazine:
Kerrang publishes 51 issues each year
Kerrang releases a new magazine every 7 days.
The price is around £2.20
It has regular content and feature articles of bands interviews

My second magazine I used to look at for the code and conventions was Rock sound.
This is also the type of magazine I want to create, in the same genre as Kerrang.
This is the link for their website for their magazine:
and this is the link for the picture I got of an example magazine off their website:

This magazine is issue 140 on the 10th October.
The price of this magazine is £4.80 

My third magazine choice is 'NME'
The link for their website is:
This is also the link for the magazine front cover I choose:
NME comes out every Wednesday
It costs £2.30
The regular and featured articles it is about Klaxons meeting God via drugs, Bombay Bicycle Club unsuccessfully busking in Ibiza, Jack White's war on the internet, Arcade Fire's financial woes, Liam Gallagher revealing his Beady Eye.

MAIN TASK - Initial ideas

This lesson I was told I now have to think of the genre and target audience for my magazine that I want. 
The genre of music magazine that I want to do is rock.
My target audience will be from the ages of 15 - 30. It will be targeted mostly for British teenagers and for both boys and girls. 


I am pleased with certain aspects of my magazine front cover and contents page. My magazine follows the conventions of a real magazine. I did this by looking at magazines that were well known before I did mine. Looking at the code and conventions of magazine’s that I would need to include on mine. Such as a bar code, price of the magazine, issue date, headlines etc. I also looked at the codes and conventions for a contents page. This gave me an idea of what I wanted my magazine to look like.

The media technologies I used to create this new media were learning to use Photoshop and QuarkXPress. Also I became more familiar using the cameras and what types of shots I needed for a conventional magazine. The shot I used was a medium close up, so you could see the top part of the girl and it was close and clear. This was because I had to enlarge it so it fit the magazine. 

My strengths of using the new media was I learnt it rather quickly and enjoyed editing my magazine, so I would teach myself some effects, which helped the outcome of my magazine. Also I think that I handled the camera shots well, as I had planned my magazine and knew what type of shot I wanted (medium close up) and the pose and type of girl (in school uniform) I wanted. I had never used QuarkXPress before, so that was completely new. However I enjoyed learning how to use QuarkXPress and after I had had an introduction I came to grips with it. 

My weaknesses for using the new media, was that I think I could have done better on my magazine if I had known more about the software I was using. However after I got used to it and experimented, it did help the outcome. But I would have liked longer to use the new media so I could have learnt more and made it even better. Also I think that when I used to cropping tools, I could have cropped her hair better as I think it looks a bit messy. However as I have not used Photoshop for a while everything seemed new again, so I had to start from the beginning. I feel that if I had more time to do my front cover and contents page it would have been a lot better. But I did spend a lot of my spare time correcting my magazine and I am overall happy with the my front cover and contents page.