Monday, 11 October 2010

Examples of Rock magazines


This is my first example of a rock magainze i want to use.

This is the link for the website for Kerrang:

And this is the link for the picture that I got off the kerrang website:

This is my first example of a magazine:
Kerrang publishes 51 issues each year
Kerrang releases a new magazine every 7 days.
The price is around £2.20
It has regular content and feature articles of bands interviews

My second magazine I used to look at for the code and conventions was Rock sound.
This is also the type of magazine I want to create, in the same genre as Kerrang.
This is the link for their website for their magazine:
and this is the link for the picture I got of an example magazine off their website:

This magazine is issue 140 on the 10th October.
The price of this magazine is £4.80 

My third magazine choice is 'NME'
The link for their website is:
This is also the link for the magazine front cover I choose:
NME comes out every Wednesday
It costs £2.30
The regular and featured articles it is about Klaxons meeting God via drugs, Bombay Bicycle Club unsuccessfully busking in Ibiza, Jack White's war on the internet, Arcade Fire's financial woes, Liam Gallagher revealing his Beady Eye.

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