Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Codes and Conventions of Content Page's

In this lesson we analysed 7 magazine content pages.

Mast head
The title is smaller than the contents page but is similar to the same font and colour of the title on the front cover. Also it refers the brands. The title is not always at the top and it is larger and bold. It is always bolder than the other texts on the content page.

Colour scheme
We saw that each content page had a similar colour scheme as the front page

There is a main image or small featured images to show who s going to be in it. This anchors with the story. Also little pictures are linked to the article of the magazine. These have page numbers on them.

The contents pages normally have 2 to 3 columns. It also has featured articles and a message from the editor. This message from the editor also welcomes new readers to the magazine and what it is about. It has regular features, editor’s features. Normally a magazine will have 20 features and 20 regular articles. However this can vary depending on the size of the magazine. The text is size 11 point always and this is content throughout the contents page. This makes it easier to read and more eye catching. Between each section there is a space (line gap)

Credits/Contact information
Also the magazine has credits on the contents page such as credits for the photographer for taking the image on the front page of the magazine. Also it has a website/email/phone number/address. These are all contact details for a reader to get in touch if necessary. The website is usually located on the bottom of the contents page because it is the least important.

Page number
The page number always comes before the text.  Followed by a few words for example the artists name or the ambigious texts to intingue the reader in either bold or capitals, the average font size is 12/13 point.

A subline is after this, this tells you a more specific detail about the article in a samller and roman font (no bigger than 11 point)